I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Monday, June 28, 2010

The first of many to come!

Thanks to Kacie, my roommate, I have had a new interest in blogging. Her blog is so cute and I wanted one just like it. I have loved this semester and I am a little sad that it is almost over. The one thing I will miss the most about this semester is the wonderful roommates I have been blessed with.
Ruthie is my room roommate, who makes my life more and more enetertaining with every word that she says! She is from Mexico City, Mexico and is an international student majoring in International Studies. She has taught me a lot about her culture, and now when she talks to Mariam (our other Latino rommate) in Spanish I can understand most of what they say. I have learned one phrase from my 7 months of livng with her... Hola muchacha! and the word bonita.

This lovely lady is Kacie. Thanks to Summer and her photograpy class Kacie and I got to be her models for her "Best Friend" final project. I have absolutely LOVE having Kacie as a roommmate! She reminds me of my sister-in-law Janae and ironically she is dating Bradley Scott Massey, a History major, who is an awesome boy, just like my brother Bradley Scott Jackman, who is also way into History, and also a way awesome guy. Kacie is from Arizona and is a fantastic artist. Man I wish I had that ability.

Here is all of us together Ruthie, Mariam, Kacie, Sarah, Me, and Ariel. I love this picture because it shows all of our personalities so perfectly. Ruth: never really know what is going on and is not paying attention, Mariam: always ready for a glamour shot, Kacie: who is always so cute and loving, Sarah: the goofball who has a hard time being serious, Me: always laughing at something, even if it wasn't funny to the rest of the group, and Ariel: serious, and gives us the look like, "come on guys, pull it together".

Thanks girls for making my first year of college so fun!

Random thought of the day: I have spent about 3 hours of my precious time trying to figure out this thing and how to make it cute. Man, time flies when you are having fun!