I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Crazy life

     I am now working full-time and it is great! I work at Heritage Homes Assisted Living in Rexburg and then I also nanny the owners kids for 20 hours a week. I experienced my first death this week. Farrel was 96 and deserved to go. He was in bad shape. I was the first person to find him after his last stroke. From then on we babied him and the he passed 30 min after my shift was over.
     I also signed up for classes and am a wee bit nervous for this next semester because from here on out the majority of my classes will be either biology or chemistry. Oh well, that is what I chose.
     Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I get to go home. We will all be there but Kyle & Alyssa and their kidos. But don't worry we will only have 80% fun. See ya then!