I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter is approaching

Winter is approaching and that means that Fall is ending. This is not good for these reasons:
1.  It is getting colder, which means
     a. snow is going to be tickling my nose, cars will be sliding, and my feet and hands will continue to be frozen for the next 4 months. (My roommate literally just walked in and was like  "It snowed! ERG!" Man, we got this far with only one or two snow occurrences, let the freezing begin.)
     b.It will be getting too cold for just a sweatshirt. I absolutely love sweatshirts, and I would wear them nearly everyday of the year, but now time to bring out the big bulky attire.
     c. Rexburg winters are harsh. Did you know that your body is a thermometer? If you walk out in the morning and the first breath you take freezes your nostrils, it is -20 or below. Oh and did I mention wind chill?
     d. Rexburg has the worst, and I mean the worst roads in the winter. They plow the streets every few days, put red rock down as salt, and leave huge piles (about 5-6 feet high) of snow in the middle of the road to create medians, that were never there in the summer.

2.  Fall semester is ending. This is bad for numerous reasons. My best friend will be going home for the next 4 months, school starts for me with some hard classes I am very nervous about, and I will be working while I am going to school.

But, there is opposition in all things, these are the reasons I am excited for Winter to begin:

1. I am excited for the material in the classes. I am excited for my Teachings of the Living Prophets class, and semi-excited (but when I say semi I mean on the lower end closer to not excited) for Organic Chemistry and Human Biology.
2. I get to continue to work with some amazing people that teach me to think about the simple things in life. I love old people.
3. I will be able to get into a routine. I like it when I have things to do all the time. My brain goes crazy when I have nothing to do.
4. New semester means new roommates (now this could be good or bad), new ward, and some new friends.
5. New semesters mean new challenges, but new growth.

I am so glad that I will not be alone for Christmas, I would have been so sad if I was going to be in Rexburg all alone for Christmas. Granted I am working most of Christmas eve and most of Christmas,  but at least I will have Mark and Summer and Summers family to come home to. Thanks so much for allowing me to be the party crasher. It really means a lot. I think that this is the first Christmas when I have actually never had anything on my Christmas list besides being with people I care about. When you take that away from the Christmas season, nothing else matters.

Also, We took roommate pictures. Except for I am the adopted one. I sleep in 211 but eat, live, and party in 109.  Here are a few: 

Thanks girls for an amazing semester, it is one I will never forget!