I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Long time no blog...

In the past 3 weeks much has gone on. First, school is out! For five months, and I am now living at home. This is a picture of some of the girls in the ward on one of our last spontaneous adventures, this one was at monkey rock at night.

Second, Mark and Summer got married on the 31 of July. (I have a new sister-in-law! And am loving it!)

Third, we are moving, Mom works in Salt Lake and Dad works in Layton which means a long commute for both of them. So, we will live in Layton about 6 min away from Dad's work and about a half hour away from Mom's work. Also our family got very small in the past week. Kyle, Alyssa, Spencer, and Kelsi, who all lived with us here, now are in Arizona for Med. School, and Mark got Married. Leaving us with Me, Mom, Dad, and Skye (who will be leaving on a mission on September 1st to be at home). In all things are opposition... the night after Marks wedding, everyone left, the Kyle Jackman Family, and Mark. (And to think just the previous night everyone was together and happy for the wedding.) Which means I am home alone, and very, very lonely a lot. I have gotten things done though, I have caught up on my sleep since I sleep in the basement now, because it is too hot to sleep up stairs in my room. And must I add, the basement (in the room that I sleep) has no windows, so I never know what time of day it is. Example, I went to bed around 11:30 last night, woke-up around 7, because my bladder was telling me I needed to get up. Then I laid back down thinking I would wake up in about 30 min. Little did I know that I would wake up at 10:45 to a call from Janae, wanting to bring Levi over to play.

Also I have gotten my room cleaned out. There were three piles in my room, keep, DI, and trash. Man, I am glad to have 1 trash bag full of garbage gone, and 1 big box of DI things gone. My room is actually really clean now.

And now I am counting down the days till my cousin Jacob comes up here. I am glad to say that he is one of my best friends. Growing up I could not say that, we were always fighting, and trying to one up each other. But now we have become very good friends and I am glad. When he comes up here, he is coming to stay! To go to BYU, which will only be about 1 hour and 15 min from my house, so we will be partying it up all the time! also his family and him are coming up to our Jackman family reunion (it is not their side of the family, but we are still so happy that they will be coming).

1 comment:

Kyle and Alyssa said...

we miss you too!!! Spencer said your name the first couple days we were here. He kept pointing to the door like we should leave to find you or open the door to let you in. About 3 months until we see you again! I can't wait. You are going to love it here! They keep the pool heated so we can swim year round. The pool is pretty much my favorite part about living here! I am still trying to make friends...it's a long process, at least it feels that way. I just miss hanging out with people I know. How have you been? Work going well? Say hi to jake for me! Catch ya later!