I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  • They asked me to stay at work longer which means I get to make more money!
  • They asked me to do at least 30 min. of overtime a day at $22 an hour!
  • The camera that I just bought! Canon S95!
  • I am getting a bike, fully equip with everything I will need for it up at school, free of cost to me! Thanks Dad!
  • I get lots of free stuff, for example...
This is one of the first give aways they had at work. These are samples that they give out to their clients, but it ends up that they always have way too much, so we get it! And I think everyone knows I love FREE!

This was the second give away day! 10 packages of chocolate chips and chocolate (in the freezer by the way being saved for college), do you think I could be any happier? Well just see...

This is what I all Mega-Give-away day! I think this included: 9 packages of SlimFast snack bars, 7 Full bars, 9 packages of candy including Tootsie Rolls, Tootsie Pops, Dots, Frooties, and some other odds and end candies, 8 car air fresheners, 1 box of matches, 1 bag individual flossers, 1 package AA batteries, 4 cocoa butter Vaselines, 7 Dove hair products, 3 Suave hair products, 1 package cough drops, 1 baby Oragel plaque revealing gel, 1 Axe deodorant,12 girl Clinical Protection deodorants, and 1 Styrofoam cooler!

  • I miss being home.
  • My car smokes at every stop sign or stoplight when I get off of the freeway.
  • My gas bill, $103 for the last 2 weeks!
  • Overtime is really getting to me, 10 hour days make me really tired when I get home.
  • The deer that is probably lying down next to the road with a broken leg or a really sore side, that I nudged last night at 1am getting off of the freeway. I saw it on the side of the road and said, "What the heck is that?" Then realized that it was a deer, standing next to the freeway. And right as I was passing it, going about 30 miles an hour, it decides to run right in front of me! can you believe it? It was standing right next to the freeway all calm until I decide to pass, then it was like it thought, "Oh i wonder what will happen, if i jump out in front of this car as it passes by?" Well I will tell you what will happen little deer! You will get hit! It wasn't that hard because I slowed down really fast as I saw it come out, but it just got a little tap from me. Sorry Bambi :(

1 comment:

Kyle and Alyssa said...

Loved the update! Spencer and I love seeing the pics on your blog and especially the ones with you in it! how freaky to have a deer run out in front of you at the last second! looks like you are a real winner with all that free stuff...Spence still makes the airplane sound and noise and then says "JJ" He is VERY excited for you to come, every plane outside reminds him, or noise...He just can't wait...It's so CUTE! I'm glad he loves you so much. Congrats on the camera! I hope you LOVE it. ttys