I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Kind of Perfect

Dear David Archuleta,
    I am in in love with this song! I have had it on replay in my car for the past 2 days straight, and I drive at least 40 min a day. When I listen to it I also belt it out but I replace the words "she" with "he", and "beautiful" with "handsome". Can you tell that I am still searching for my kind of perfect?

♥ Jerica Jackman

My Kind of Perfect - David Archuleta

I was thinkin' about ya
I drew a little picture
But some things you can't put on paper
Like ya like shooting stars
Or write songs on guitar
Got more things to do than stare at a mirror

And I know I know,
He's gotta be out there, out there
I know, I know, he's gotta be

Maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm right
Maybe I'll just let you walk by
What can I say, maybe I've known you all my life
Is he the one, is it today
Will I turn the corner, see my future
In a handsome face

He's anything but typical
A sweet suprise
No matter what she's looking at the brightside
It's gonna be worth it
Cos that's what love it's
I'll keep searching for my kind of perfect!

And I know, I know, he's gotta be out there, out there
I know I know, he's gotta be.
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, maybe I just let you walk by
What can I say, maybe I've known you all my life
Is he the one, is it today
Will I turn the corner, see my future, in a beautiful face

They say, give it time, give it time and it will fall in line
But I keep wondering how and when and why I haven't met you...

But maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right

Is he the one is it today
Will I turn the corner
See my future, in a handsome face

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right
Maybe I just let you walk by
What can I say
Maybe I've known you all my life
Is he the one, is it today
Will I turn the corner, see my future
In a handsome face
Maybe ohh maybe yeah

I'll keep searching for my kind of perfect.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I am not in Rexbug anymore...

So, we have volleyball nights on Monday after FHE, and then we always go to Wendy's after and get frosty's. This was like any other Monday night until we hear a ton of cop cars heading our way. (We usually go to Wendy's after it has closed and only the drive-through is open. We end up parking,sitting outside and eating.) The cop cars pull into Wendy's and block our cars, and yell at the people in the car that they were chasing to get out! Oh man, at this point we were freaking out just a little. A big white woman gets out and the big black man that was driving tries to get away but doesn't because there are literally 12 police men surrounding him with their guns pointed. Man can I tell you I could have peed my pants right then. This is only something that is on the TV! And we witnessed it in real life. They must have been chasing those people for a while because the cops were from Benecia and we were in Concord. They were both double handcuffed and then were sent on their way to sleep on nice cold, hard beds behind bars.We could only leave once most of the cops left because they were blocking us from getting out. Man what a night! One that I wont forget about for a while... Night night big black man! If you never got the chance for your mother to tell you to go to your room and think about what you did, then tonight is the night. 

PS. Don't come out till there is a smile on your face.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Too much fun to keep track of ♥

4 Flights in 2 weeks. This month has been CRAZY! I have been to AZ and back then to UT and back, now I am on the last stretch before going to UT again. Arizona was so much fun. I love being around family and playing with my niece and nephews! 

When in Utah Summer and i of course had to go Black Friday shopping. while at the mall Summer wanted to enter in every raffle, to test her luck. And guess what? me, being the one who was not that into it, was the one who won something. A PSP3000 (up for sale by the way)!

Since being home I have gone to 2 basketball games also. One Cal game and a Warriors game. Both super fun! At the Warriors game we got a fan photo, heaven knows I am not going to buy it but here is the link. http://www.printroom.com/ViewGalleryPhoto.asp?evgroupid=0&userid=warriorsfanphotos&gallery_id=2371270&image_id=12&pos=9&image_id=12&pos=9 (Last picture on the first row of pictures)

After, when we were walking to the car, we found a little crepe store! Mmm, delicious! I got the chicken, pesto, and sun dried tomato panini.

Last Saturday, Kate Baldree and I were bored and had a sleepover! We made caramel apples. Oh boy was it fun making them! I love to do spontaneous things like this. We had learned a little trick, to quickly drop them in boiling water to take the wax off, and oh man was that disturbing. i never will eat an apple the same and not think of all of the wax that I am eating. This is how they looked after they were done. 

This is how they looked after they sat out while we slept!

We learned a great lesson... put them in the fridge once you are done making them so the caramel sets and you don't get all of the goodness that falls to the bottom. As you can see we put them in cups so they would fall back in place, yeah right! All of the goodness just fell off and onto the table. Some of them we were able to save, but the others we just gave to family to eat because we could not give those hideous things away, even though they did taste good.

Tomorrow is the charity ball, man I am excited, bought a new dress and am in the dancing mood! I will post pictures after.  

9 days till I see my family again : )
13 days till the family celebrates Christmas all together!
 26 days till Winter semester 2011 starts : }