I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


     This week has been a happiness filled week. I have learned so much about myself and all hat I can do with the lord's hand in my life. It is oh so necessary to include the Lord in all you do. "When obedience ceases to be an irritant, God endows us with power."- Thomas S Monson. So I put it to the test. That day was the best yet. I felt so close to my Heavenly Father, and in each of my classes I not only understood the material but I had learned something about my personal relationship with my father in heaven.  Also, it has seemed like every talk and every devotional were made with me in mind. Man I love the power of prayer. It amazes me how much our Heavenly Father knows each and every one of us individually, and knows all of our needs, fears, and excitements. 

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