I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Friday, November 12, 2010

So close.. But yet so far

The time is quickly approaching that I board a plane to go to ARIZONA! I get to see Kyle, Alyssa, Spencer, and little Kelsi! I am so excited. Oh yeah and I am posting this from my new computer! Yes I said new! Well, at least it is new to me. My aunt and uncle have many laptops, and so once this one was done getting fixed then they gave it to me. I am go grateful because my old one was not really working, this will make for a very smooth semester. Late nights in the kitchen on my computer instead of late nights at the library!

Well this is it! Lenovo G550

1 comment:

Birtcher said...

Yeah!! That's always so fun!
Can't wait to see you!
Have fun in AZ then get your butt up in Idaho. Pronto.