I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dad, I have met 5 new people!

I love my new roommies! They are awesome. I came up here with Marie who I had already known, but I got to meet 4 new girls that are wonderful. Stephanie is my room roommate, and she is awesome! we will be up till the late hours of he night laughing.

I am so glad that Marie and I can be roommates. I am so glad that I could meet Marie 3 years ago, we have been besties ever since. "L" ya girl!

Man, us girls can be crazy sometimes! When I get a chance I will take more pictures of the rest of us in 110.

Ps. Yesterday I paid the deposit on my cruise to that Bahamas! Man I am so excited, only 211 days left!

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