I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My computer is back!

Brad, one of my awesome brothers, is so talented. he fixed my computer. My computer had fallen and the screen cracked. I was so sad. But... dun dun dun dun... it comes in the mail and it is fixed! thanks Brad! So it has been quite a while since I last posted. March has been the month full of birthdays. Mom, Summer, Stephanie, Kacie, and Marie all had birthdays! I have to say I am all caked out, well until next birthday...

 MMM... Oreo balls, a favorite of mine. Smashed oreos, with cream cheese, frozen, then dipped in chocolate!
Roommate sleepover! When all the beds wern't on the floor, we piled them all up and made a couch out of them, it made for a great conversation starter. 
Levi at the school desk! Only 3 more years and this will be him for real!

Wearing Mr. Potato head's glasses

So I thought I would do the same!

We were lucky enough to have Marie come to the cabin too! It was defiantly a blast!

Stephanie's 19th birthday

The celebration of Marie's birthday, on out way back from Pizza Pie Cafe (formally known as Craigo's)

Marie's Strawberry cheesecake, mmm that was way good! Great pick Marie!

I look at the last time I wrote on my blog, and I realize that it has been a while. I only have 3 more weeks from today of school. The I am going to go to California with my mom and dad to go help my Grandma for a week. I am so stoked! Let the count down begin.... 19 days!

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