I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Biggest Winner!


      Here at BYUI they have a Biggest Winner competition. On occasion, I have seen people in the gym working out together, and on Saturday I saw a bunch of people on treadmills wearing weight belts. I was like oh my goodness I would hate to be them.... and  now guess what I am! I got my skin fold test yesterday, walked into the Health Center to make an appointment so a doctor could check me off that I was eligible to participate, and when I went in they said they had an opening right then! Yay! I also had to get my blood drawn. And guess what I actually looked at the needle when it was in my arm, and I looked at the blood when it went into the tube, pulse by pulse it would squirt in to the tube. This is HUGE progress for me. When I was younger, I would not even enter the room without crying. I think that this day signifies to me that one day I could be a nurse, and do that to someone else and not get grossed out from it. Any way, since I got the doctor to sign the paper today that means I am one of the first 36 people to turn in the application which means I got a spot! it starts at the beginning of next semester! I am stoked now, but maybe not so much in the coming months. I do not know what the reward is, but if I lose any weight, it will be reward enough! Jillian, watch out because here comes your next victim!

      During it, Mon, Wed, Friday will be cardio workouts, and Tues, Thurs, will be strength training with the group. Every other Saturday will be a team challenge, some of them include 5k run, running with weight packs on, and other things like that. I will also have a personal trainer, and a meet with a nutritionist weekly. We also will have weekly weigh in's. Man I am excited, and a little nervous at the same time... ah wish me luck! 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jimmer is no more...

Jimmer has a great season. Tonight with his last 3 pointer from at least  feet behind the 3 point line was a great way to end the season.

Well looking on the bright side Stadium of Fire is coming up and they are having  contest to see who will win $10,000 the top 3 will perform at the Stadium of Fire on July 4th. You can vote for your top 3 so here are my picks.

The Hinkley Brothers! My #1 pick, listen to the third verse, it brings my to tears. 
 Tanner Linford

And Anna Kaelin 

To Listen to all of the entries go to http://www.freedomfestival.org/events/stadium-of-fire-talent-search/ . You will not be disappointed!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Manic Monday?

On Monday's I am usually at the library till FHE, then come back to the library, then I go to volleyball from 9-11. Today was different, and I don't know why. I had the same assignments but it took me WAY less time to do them. For my biostatistics class part of our assignment was to watch SuperCroc! It is actually a pretty cool movie. If you ever have some spare time and want to learn more about crocodiles then watch http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/supercroc/ . I am done so early in the day that I am a little nervous though...am I missing something?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My computer is back!

Brad, one of my awesome brothers, is so talented. he fixed my computer. My computer had fallen and the screen cracked. I was so sad. But... dun dun dun dun... it comes in the mail and it is fixed! thanks Brad! So it has been quite a while since I last posted. March has been the month full of birthdays. Mom, Summer, Stephanie, Kacie, and Marie all had birthdays! I have to say I am all caked out, well until next birthday...

 MMM... Oreo balls, a favorite of mine. Smashed oreos, with cream cheese, frozen, then dipped in chocolate!
Roommate sleepover! When all the beds wern't on the floor, we piled them all up and made a couch out of them, it made for a great conversation starter. 
Levi at the school desk! Only 3 more years and this will be him for real!

Wearing Mr. Potato head's glasses

So I thought I would do the same!

We were lucky enough to have Marie come to the cabin too! It was defiantly a blast!

Stephanie's 19th birthday

The celebration of Marie's birthday, on out way back from Pizza Pie Cafe (formally known as Craigo's)

Marie's Strawberry cheesecake, mmm that was way good! Great pick Marie!

I look at the last time I wrote on my blog, and I realize that it has been a while. I only have 3 more weeks from today of school. The I am going to go to California with my mom and dad to go help my Grandma for a week. I am so stoked! Let the count down begin.... 19 days!