I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Back to school

So, I figured I would give my thoughts on each one of my classes and then at the end of the semester I could look back and see if they were right.


The American Epidemic:
I think this class will be interesting to me. I am pretty sure it will be easier for me than most people because I am a biology major and have taken Biology classes. The teacher said that the class would be the hardest this semester for most people, because they don't have any biology background. We have to do a journal of what we eat and how we exercise. we also have to make a measurable goal like lose 10 lbs this semester, or exercise 5 times a week. This will be easy for me since I am officially in the Biggest Winner competition (I got the e-mail confirmation today!) Oh yeah and on Friday as a class we have to do the 1.5 mile run, then at the end we have to do the same and see if we improved or not. I bet I will! Oh yeah Tim Newton was in my class.

English 201: I do not think I am going to like this class. I think it will be not too hard but I think it will just be boring for me. We have to read many articles, and I am not a reader, especially if they do not interest me. Also Stephen Hopkins in my class, he is from my stake in CA.

Doctrine and Covenants:I like the teacher so far. I have Brother Williams. The two girls I sat next to were cool, but the chances of me sitting next to them on Monday are slim.

Math 108: I like the girl Jessica that I sat next to today, and I also like my teacher but i forgot her name... In our introductions we had to say what we would do with 50 million dollars, I said go to India, go on a Safari in Africa, pay for Med school (if I decide that is what I want to do), and then invest the rest.One boy said "I'd buy Miss America" to say the least we were all confused.

Chemistry 106: It seems okay. I know it won't be my favorite class, but what they hay. I am going to have to work hard for a good grade. And also I was sitting down and guess who walked in Benjamin Ricks. Weird huh. it is funny cause Mark was in Chemistry with his sister, and they had the same teacher! What a coincidence! 

I don't know about my volleyball class yet though. it is a second term class, so it starts in June. 

I thought it was cool that I am becoming one of the people who walk around and I know at least one person everywhere I go. i knew at least one person in each my classes today! It was comforting to say the least. 

P.S. everyone that I mentioned by name that was in my class, is from my stake in CA. Small world.

Let the studying begin...

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