I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Things I want to know, experience, or see before I die.

1. How do hot dog buns get sliced? I mean they are all connected, but yet they all have a perfect slice in them.
2. A cop who is driving, park in his stake out point on the freeway. You always either see them in their spot, or driving, but never in the process of stopping. 
3. A person who is running on the street turn around. I have always wondered, "where are they running to?"  or "do they have a route that allows them to not turn around." Well for those people who run straight then turn around and go right back please place yourself in my path. 
4. Witness or be in a freak accident and miraculously walk away clean and unharmed.  (This one I will not inflict upon myself, but if it happens, then that would be cool) 
5. Witness a miracle. (Could be related to #4) 
6. Go on a humanitarian aid trip. Mainly to Africa because little black kids are so stinkin' cute, but if not Africa then somewhere else cool.
7. Be of impact in someones life. 
8. Bring the gospel to someone who does not yet know of its truth. 
9. Own my own home. 
10. Know if the people I have made relationships here with, were friends with me in the pre-existence, and if we arranged to find each other when we got here. (This might not happen till after death, but I still want to know)
11. Learn how to play an instrument, and do it well.
12. For one night be homeless. I just want to see what others experience. 
13. Experience an impairment that allows me to look at life in a better way.
14. Watch brain or heart surgery. (The people who do that are so talented!)
15. Have a YouTube top hit video. (Unlikely, but hey as long as I am dreaming)
16. Have my home feel like home to all that enter.

There are many more, but I can not think of them currently. They usually come when I am driving, when I don't have anyway of recording my thoughts. So this post may be updated frequently.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


 These are all the pictures I have of Maddi, she was wondering what pictures I have of her so here they come... you don't know what you just got yourself into... everyone else can just ignore, well, if anyone else even looks at my blog :)

This one is my personal favorite :)

Bahamas Baby!

My cousin Kate Baldree had invited me to join her on a cruise to the Bahamas about 8 months ago and we were doing the count down. Well, now it is in the past and this is all I have to remember it by.
Marie and her family just happened to be in Miami the week before the cruise, so her dad stayed an extra day and picked me up from the airport. We got a hotel, and this was the view from the room. Talk about beautiful!

Also, I knew there would be palm trees, but I never imagined the roads being lined with them, the parks being filled with them, and houses having lawns infested with them.

This is Kate and lady Majesty of the Seas herself. 

DAY 2 (Nassau)
This is Atlantis on Paradise island. it cost $150 to enter the water park. And if you thought that was expensive, try staying at the hotel for a night. the lowest of lows was $275/night, then $475/night, then $600.

 This arch is the presidential suite. It goes for $25,000 a night, and there has to be a minimum of 4 nights. Michael Jackson was the first person to stay there and 50 cent was the most current.

We took a tour bus and he showed us around the island. He took us back to the ghetto, and told us that if it was night he would not allow us to be there because it is too dangerous. This is a daycare. It was easily 90 degrees outside with 70% humidity. I do not know how they play out there all day. I was dying. 
I tried to put up the photo that I scanned of us at the formal dinner but it didn't work. Shoot, it was cute. 

That night Marie tried escargot and liked it. Sick. I had no desire to. But, i did try shrimp, which is gross, and duck, which is delicious. 
Our first towel animal. I guess the guy found a way to use my sunglasses that I left in the room.

Day 3 (Cococay Cancled, traveled to Key West)
If you didn't know, little Irene was on our tails the whole time. The day after we left Nassau, it got all shook up. So we went to Key West a day early. We just lazied by the pool, and watched some shows. The entertainment was great. We never left a show one for foul language or crudeness.
This is Darren (If i remember correctly) he is the activities director. He is gay and proud of it. He can shake his hips like Shakira by the way. He was a great entertainer to say the least. He squirted frosting in Maries mouth at one point during the cake decorating contest.

This is lovely Dave Chapman in all his glory. He won macho man contest, sexiest man contest, and hosted all the shows. It may have helped that he was the cruise directer that he won all of them, but I would have still voted for him anyways. He is Australian, and his accent made all the girls swoom. 

 Our towel animal of the day. 

Day 4 (Key West)

We walked on Duval street for half the morning until our shore excursion.

So our snorkeling got canceled because the waters were too choppy because of Irene, and there were too many jellyfish. So we went parasailing instead.

This was the guy who dunked us a billion times while parasailing, it was on purpose, and we asked to be dunked, but we got a little more wet than everyone else.

Despite what you may think, it is actually very relaxing. They described it as feeling like you are on a Ferris wheel, and that is exactly how it felt. I would definitely do it again.

The guys who took us parasailing. 

Our last towel animal.

Saturday, I hung out with Maddi, and when I pulled up this is what I saw...

It is a little hard to see all the details but, it was me on my cruise boat.  I absolutley love Maddi's family they make me feel so welcomed, and at home.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Westfield YSA Campout

I invited Marie to come with me, and I am glad that she did. We had a great time!

This is Lake Lyman. It has leeches. I was not about to go in it but some people did. No leeches attached though. Good thing.

While viewing the scenery these boys decided to get out the balloon launcher. I never got hit with one, but afterward when we thought they were all gone, low and behold the bucket beheld just a few left, and then I got one splashed on my head. Oh joy! 

These are just a few of the people there. This was a group that did the ropes course.

 This is Patience, Marie, and I. I am so glad that I have found her as a friend. She is awesome. She is one of the girls that I came up with. The people who were in the car with us became a little family.

Marie and I were in charge of lunch for Friday. I felt like Spongebob to say the least.
 I am so glad that I decided to go to the camp out. It was a blast. I made lots of new friends.