I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Thoughts from a girl who is home alone

So I turn off the shower, and hear this very loud and obnoxious, beep, beep, beep, beep. Oh Crap the fire alarm! So I quickly grab me towel and run out and find that it is the one in my room going off. So I try and muffle it with my hand, and I am frantically pressing all the buttons trying to shut it up. We live in a basement apartment, and the people upstairs have no problem coming downstairs, so I was like oh holy heavens, what if the people upstairs comes down to see the problem, and I am standing here halfway in a towel frantically running around trying to get this thing to turn off. So I re situate the towel and still try to turn it off. Finally it turns off. Then I am getting dressed, and halfway dressed it goes off again! Ugh! So i try and muffle it again, but it doesn't really work, so I press buttons and finally it turns off. Praise Heavens! Now lets just pray it doesn't go off again.

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