I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Best Weekend Ever

I had been planning a weekend up to Rexburg to see my old roommates for two weeks. I am not very good at keeping surprises a secret, but I did it! And they didn't even suspect anything! It was grand. I also brought Mykal, Maddi's sister up with me. We had a blast on the car rides, I am glad I had company. I got to see my best friends, a lot of friends, some acquaintances, and met some new people too. 

Since I barged in on her life, Mads still had homework to do. This assignment required her to go watch children at play for 30 min. So I politely invited myself to come along. 

We can be just a little crazy sometimes too. 

Saturday afternoon Mads took Mykal and me bowling at the school. I had never been there before. It was way fun and cheap! Especially cheap for me since Mads paid! Thanks Mads!

Saturday evening was the Relief Society broadcast. The stake provided dinner for all the girls. The best part were the skittles that were the center pieces. Needless to say they were gone by the time dinner was half over. 

 I was way sad to leave on Sunday, but dreams can't last forever, you eventually have to wake up. So Sunday  Mykal and I left, and on our way back we documented the large buffalo in the middle of the field. Kind of hard to see, but the first time I saw it on the way up, I got freaked out. 

Sidenote: Mom and I always make fun of/ think it is funny when people with short hair spike it straight up and make themselves look like a ray of sunshine. So mom was flipped over hairspraying her hair and came up like this. Not the total ray of sunshine look but similar. I guess her hairspray really works! I told her she should go to work like that :)

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