I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Who would have known?

     After getting water at the Halloween dance and standing just chatting away, I feel a hard grasp on my arm and that can only mean one thing... A tall handsome man walked in the room and Amanda has caught a glimpse. After a while he comes up to us and asks us to take a picture for him, gladly we do and then after I am done taking the picture, we start talking for a little while. He said that he has grown up in Danville, where I currently am living, and is going to Stanford. We talk a little more and then politely say goodbye, and see ya later.
      While I am still standing in that room, I overheard someone saying "Did you know that Mark Madsen is here tonight?" Oh My Gosh. I was just talking to Mark Madsen and I didn't even know it! I have grown up knowing of Mark Madsen, he was in my uncle's ward and in his Boy Scout troop, and went on scouting activities with my uncle and my brothers. Like 8 years ago I went to his parents house and had a stake activity where we swam in his pool went through their corn maze and stood in line to shake his hand and get a signed autograph picture of him, which is still currently in my bedroom at home.
     After I hadoverheard that I went to go tell my friends who had no clue of him.I told them that he is a pro basketball player and has played for the LA Lakers and the Minnesota Timberwolves. Like they believed me. So i pulled out my phone googled him and proved them wrong!  Then they were on a mission to go up and take a picture with him and talk to him. Then the adventure began.  In the end this is what happened...


Kyle and Alyssa said...

I never would have known...so maybe it's obvious, but what is that ball of purple light in his hand? Where's your pic? Or maybe you are like; been there done that! Just 11 more days! I am so excited! We all are!

Kyle and Alyssa said...

ok so I didn't recognize you in that costume...oops! Now I see you...10 more days!!!! Raise the roof!