I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Friday, April 22, 2011

All Wound Up

Yesterday I was taking a nap as I usually do around the same time each day, depending on if I have time to or not. My body was so tired but yet my mind could not stop going going going. I was laying on my bed, and I would just say things that were on my mind. 
One instance I was quietly trying sleep then I would blurt out songs like, "few times I've been around that track...but I ain't no Holla back girl, I ain't no holla back girl". Where did this come from? I do not know. After I had splurted out these random things a few times Marie said to me, "You know those wind up toys? You are just like one, you wil be going, and then all of a sudden stop, then get all wound up again and keep going for a little while." I guess I have a lot on my mind.

P.S. My 1.5 mile run I had to do today wasn't so bad, I finished in 16 min 41 sec. I hope next time we do it at the end of the semester it goes down by 2 min!

1 comment:

Birtcher said...

Haha, that's so cute through J.J! Good job on running! I need to get back into that... i'd hate to see my time, it would probablly be very, very sad. You've got it girl!