I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Goodbye winter semester!

This semester has literally flown by! It seems like just yesterday I was living in CA and working everyday. But, I guess everything of Winter semester is gone. All that is left of Winter semester are final grades. Ahhhh! I know that I have A's in all of my classes but Chemistry, which is on he fence. I have no idea what my final grade is in that class, but I guess that it is over, and there is no going back to fix anything. Well, Steph, my roommate is no longer with us, and if you want to know how much she brought to school, let me tell you. Actually, let me show you!

And I thought that I had a lot of stuff. I brought up with me only a trunk full of stuff and someone else and his luggage. I think that it will take a semi to get all of steph's stuff home.

General Conference was great! On Saturday morning we all made breakfast, and had about  13 people over and had a great time. here is a little peak of what went on that day...

Oh yeah I sold little Chester that day also. They are coming to pick him up Easter weekend. they think they will be able to fix him and drive him back down to Utah. Good luck!

May I add that little spare on Chester, has been manually changed by Stephanie and I! Yeah we are awesome, we had boys pass by and offer to change it for us, but we told them that we were almost done, and we did it all in about 15 min!

P.S. you know what i just realized? After this next semester, I will be HALF way done with school! That is a little weird for me to think... ahh!

1 comment:

Birtcher said...

Bhahahaha! Don't you love packing? Poor Steph. We are sure gonna miss her. Hey, next semester is gonna be AMAZING! see you soon chica!