I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Robert Bunsen this one is for you!

So, today in Chemistry Dan leans over to me and tells me that we should be singing Happy Birthday today. I was utterly confused... so he goes on to tell me that it is Robert Bunsen's birthday, (the guy who invented the Bunsen Burner). So he raises his hand and brings it to the attention of Brother Zaugg, who too thought it was funny, but we had no time to sing, because he had a lot to discuss today. So in honor of you, Robert Bunsen, and your 200th birthday, I bring this to you...

For some reason this makes me think of my brothers also. Maybe because we are always making up weird songs and singing, but especially the chemistry part of it.

1 comment:

Birtcher said...

Hahaha!!! That video is so funny. You're awesome girl.