I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Country Lovin'

      What got me started in this country lovin' mood has been our planned trip to Wyoming. But, due to weather we could not go so all of us roommates went home to Utah for the weekend. In Wyoming I was going to get a cowgirl hat. I have wanted cowgirl boots and hat for as long as I can remember. But, I guess being home in Layton, Utah wiull have to be enough to give me the country fix that I need. My parents live in a house that looks out to a green field of some crop (I don't know what though) and it looks so pretty. Being home has made me think quite a bit. I have realized that when I get married, I want to live somewhere with land, and own a truck, I love feeling like I am in charge and on top of the world when I drive big trucks. I want a place for my future kids to run, and play. Also I want to have animals, horses, cows, chickens, rabbits, pigs, and whatever else comes with living on a small farm. My parents neighbors have horses, and green fields and that life so appeals to me!

     I think, well actually I know, that I am totally and completely infatuated with Scotty McCreery. I have bought his cd of all of his performances while he was on American Idol, and I listen to him at least an hour straight a day. I blame my roommate Maddi... she got me started. He is a 17 year old country singer who sings like he is 24. If you just listen to him, he sounds totally like he is older than he actually is. If I could marry Scotty and live on a farm I think I would be in heaven!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Homesick : /

Ever now and then I will put my Ipod on shuffle, and lately some of my very dear to my heart songs have been coming up. These songs remind me of when all the kids were still at home.  
I remember driving home from Grandma and Grandpa Kentners house singing this song in the car with the whole family. 

Mary Go Round- Skip Ewing (not on you tube! Can you believe it?)
This song has a little place in my heart because it reminds me of my brothers. I don't really know why, but when I hear this song an old memory of my brothers pops in my head. 

This song remind me of Mark. This one is a cute/sad one that Mark used to always play. 

This is the only song that I remember from Mom's full collection of the Carpenters. It always sat right next to the microwave ready to put in at any moment. 

Dad. That pretty much sums it all up. I remember walking in my dads office 10 years ago and he was listening to this song, he told me that he wanted to dance with me at my wedding to this song. Then, I didn't really know what it was but now I am definitely in love with this song. 

Grandpa! I love him! This song encompasses his whole life. Since this was one of Grandpa's favorite song it became one of Mom's, so then it became one of mine!

Superbowl 2004 explains the reason for this. Our family had just gotten dvr or tevo whatever you call it. Josh was performing for the half time show and mom started crying. From then on she was in love with dvr and Josh Groban. We watched Josh perform this about 8 times in a row. 

Just a favorite of ours...

This has been a week of country! I love it, a new favorite guy of mine is Scotty McCreery. Oh man, he has a beautiful deep voice and if he proposed to me today I think there would be now hesitation to say YES! for a while now I have wanted a pair of cowboy boots and a cowgirl hat. At this time in my life, I want to live in a modest home with a piece of land and a few animals, oh yeah kids too, who will play in the yard while my husband and I sit on the front porch on a swing watching them. Oh man I LOVE COUNTRY. Ever since Mom and Dad moved to a house out in the country (kind of), that life so appeals to me! Hey I have the right to dream right?! 

Yeah, if you were standing in front of me!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Well, Now I Feel Stupid

     A couple days ago Marie and I were sitting at the computers right next to the printer. All of a sudden a library worker just takes the printer away. We were wondering why they were taking away a printer that was working just fine, but oh well. Then the fun started. The first person came up to the computer, swiped their card, and looked at where the printer was to grab their print job. Their faces were priceless! The look on their facse was if they had just been caught on some Candid Camera show. Marie and I started to think we should take pictures of them when they looked over. This happened again, and again, and again. 
      There was one guy in particular though. I watched him as he sent the print job from his laptop in a cubicle. He got up tried it, and didn't get that there was no printer. So he went back to his laptop and tried again. And then he tried again. He then brought his laptop over to the computer and tried to hook it up to the computer to get it to print. What was he thinking? Did he not know that ther was not a printer, and if so where did he think that paper was going to come out of? Then he couldn't figure that out so he proceeded to one of the school computers tried to print it from there and then went back up to look for his printed paper. After about 15 minutes of trying, I was laughing hysterically, and I did not think that I could help myself from wetting my pants. He proceeded to leave and then another guy came and tried, then he said in a loud voice for all of the east wing to hear "Just to let all of you guys know there is no printer here! So don't come over and feel dumb!" I guess he was just trying to make himself feel like a bigger fool in front of everyone. 

     I am excited for our barbeque today! My roommates, our FHE brothers, and Mark and Summer  and I are going to Porter park grilling some chicken, hamburgers, and then going to play a little game of volleyball or something like that. It is the first nice Saturday of the semester and I am taking advantage of it! Well hope you all have a good Saturday, I have a Biggest Winner challenge to go to. See ya!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

See the Lords Hand in All That I Do

For one of my classes I have to make 2 daily goals, mine today were: make it out alive, and see the Lords hand in all that I do today.   

   These past two days have been very stressful for me. Yesterday I had about 6 hours of homework, Biggest Winner workout, studying for a chem test, and a chem lab to do. I went to the temple in the morning with Marie, and then came home took a shower, went to class, went to devotional, ate lunch, did some homework (not all of it), then realized that I had signed up to clean the I-Center that night  (7-9) and then once I was done with that, went to the library and did homework, and tried to accomplish my lab which didn't happen. I was stressing out major, and didn't know what to do. Then in my Doctrine and Covenants homework that I was doing I found these comforting verses, 

Doctrine and Covenants 84: 83-85
For your Father, which is in heaven, knoweth that you have need of these things. 
Therefore, let the morrow take a thought for the things of itself. 
Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say; but treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man. 

     During that day, I was wondering if I would have the time to be able to do all the things that I needed to, but when I read this, I felt like I would, and that God would prepare a way for me to be able to study for my test and get all my homework done. I just needed to do what was due first then work my way down the line, and if I did it that way, then I would be able to get everything done. 

I was also worried today because I still had to finish the lab, and take the test. Then in Doctrine and Covenants class today, Brother Williams said many things that calmed my heart. One of them was "When you do God's work, you get God's pay" I was worried yesterday that because I had failed to remember that I was cleaning the I-Center  that would knock a lot of time off my hands, and also because I went to the temple in the morning and went to devotional. But, I know that because I put God first and did his work, that he rewarded me with the things that I needed, and more.