I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Well, Now I Feel Stupid

     A couple days ago Marie and I were sitting at the computers right next to the printer. All of a sudden a library worker just takes the printer away. We were wondering why they were taking away a printer that was working just fine, but oh well. Then the fun started. The first person came up to the computer, swiped their card, and looked at where the printer was to grab their print job. Their faces were priceless! The look on their facse was if they had just been caught on some Candid Camera show. Marie and I started to think we should take pictures of them when they looked over. This happened again, and again, and again. 
      There was one guy in particular though. I watched him as he sent the print job from his laptop in a cubicle. He got up tried it, and didn't get that there was no printer. So he went back to his laptop and tried again. And then he tried again. He then brought his laptop over to the computer and tried to hook it up to the computer to get it to print. What was he thinking? Did he not know that ther was not a printer, and if so where did he think that paper was going to come out of? Then he couldn't figure that out so he proceeded to one of the school computers tried to print it from there and then went back up to look for his printed paper. After about 15 minutes of trying, I was laughing hysterically, and I did not think that I could help myself from wetting my pants. He proceeded to leave and then another guy came and tried, then he said in a loud voice for all of the east wing to hear "Just to let all of you guys know there is no printer here! So don't come over and feel dumb!" I guess he was just trying to make himself feel like a bigger fool in front of everyone. 

     I am excited for our barbeque today! My roommates, our FHE brothers, and Mark and Summer  and I are going to Porter park grilling some chicken, hamburgers, and then going to play a little game of volleyball or something like that. It is the first nice Saturday of the semester and I am taking advantage of it! Well hope you all have a good Saturday, I have a Biggest Winner challenge to go to. See ya!

1 comment:

Kyle and Alyssa said...

I can't believe he didn't notice the printer! How sad....didn't he notice you laughing? I am so glad you posted! I have been thinking of jobs for you this fall...nothing yet, but I have a couple more weeks to work on it. Guess what??? I'm almost out of that really excellent lotion you gave us for Christmas and it's like 6 bucks at walmart, I will have to buy more because it really does an excellent job! Thanks for giving me one! See ya later. I hope you had fun today, it sounded fun! How did the biggest winner challenge go? I really hope I can find you a job because you'd love all the SUN here!