I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Country Lovin'

      What got me started in this country lovin' mood has been our planned trip to Wyoming. But, due to weather we could not go so all of us roommates went home to Utah for the weekend. In Wyoming I was going to get a cowgirl hat. I have wanted cowgirl boots and hat for as long as I can remember. But, I guess being home in Layton, Utah wiull have to be enough to give me the country fix that I need. My parents live in a house that looks out to a green field of some crop (I don't know what though) and it looks so pretty. Being home has made me think quite a bit. I have realized that when I get married, I want to live somewhere with land, and own a truck, I love feeling like I am in charge and on top of the world when I drive big trucks. I want a place for my future kids to run, and play. Also I want to have animals, horses, cows, chickens, rabbits, pigs, and whatever else comes with living on a small farm. My parents neighbors have horses, and green fields and that life so appeals to me!

     I think, well actually I know, that I am totally and completely infatuated with Scotty McCreery. I have bought his cd of all of his performances while he was on American Idol, and I listen to him at least an hour straight a day. I blame my roommate Maddi... she got me started. He is a 17 year old country singer who sings like he is 24. If you just listen to him, he sounds totally like he is older than he actually is. If I could marry Scotty and live on a farm I think I would be in heaven!


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