I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Child's Pose

So this is why they call it child's pose.... I know that it is comfortable but I had never actually seen a kid do it before.

The hardest thing about being away from home is that I get to miss all of the things that the family does together. This weekend, I came home, and we painted Brad and Janae's backyard shed. We also put in bark in the side of their yard. It was pretty fun to surprise my parents for the weekend.

 Oh Maddi! This is my roommate Maddi. Her and I seem to get along pretty well. This is when we had cake and ice cream and went to a comedy show for my birthday. It was way funny. I am glad that I have the roommates and FHE brothers that I do. i have seriously been blessed.

This is another reason that I miss being at home. I love these boys with all my heart! My nephews and niece are all in Utah for the summer and I am missing it! This is what I get when I ask them to smile... can you see the sincerity?

Levi and Jared, Levi loves this hat that my grandma Kentner made. it is so big, and to be honest I do not think that anyone could get out of the house with that thing on. It is ridiculous.


Only 6 more weeks and I will be with them for 5 months!


Birtcher said...

Ahhhh.... I love you Jerica! You are stinkin adorable. Just wait, you'll be home before you know it ;)

Kyle and Alyssa said...

I love these pics. I can't wait to see you soon!