I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

General Conference Oct 2011

I loved Elder Scotts message today. I loved that he said to memorize scriptures, because it is like having many close friends with you all the time. It is so true. I need to be more valiant in my scripture study, I love conference it always makes me feel so good. 

I also loved the talk by Elder Arden.  I need to learn to prioritize. And to use my time in a way that I can prepare better for Christ to come again. 

My cousin Adam Burke is GREAT! He got the opportunity to sing in conference today in the afternoon session. Adam and I are pretty close. Whenever we are together, we are either playing with each others hair, laughing, or making funny faces at each other. I am so jealous of him being able to sing at conference. All of the family that was at my grandma's house were looking diligently for Adam. He is the youngest grandkid, and everyone loves him. Here he is singing in conference!

Adam we are all so proud of you! You did a great job!

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