I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Christ Lives and Loves Us

Today's church was so great! We got a new bishopric and we had a great musical number she sung His Hands. I love this song! It brought tears to my eyes. Both our old bishop and our new bishop both testified of the truthfulness of the things Christ taught and did. 

Then in Sunday school, we talked about Nephi's psalm. In 2 Nephi 4:15-35. I want to be like Nephi. I too want to shake at the appearance of sin. I want to HATE sin! Someday, I too want to be able to say vs 32: "May the gates of hell be shut continually before me, because that my heart is broken and my spirit is contrite! O Lord, wilt thou not shut the gates of thy righteousness before me, that I may walk in the path of the low valley, that I may be strict in the plain road!" 
Our teacher shared with us this video that I absolutely love. It is from a devotional in 1996 by Elder Busche. 

Then in Relief Society we talked about having a testimony of Christ. 
I have seen a big change in myself in the past couple of years, as I put the Lord first in my life. Things fall into place and I have realized that God plays such a big part in my life. I have realized that it is through the Atonement and God's grace that we are saved. Our works alone will never be able to measure up to all that Christ and our Heavenly Father has done for us. We need to be continually holding on to the rod, with both hands clenched, and not just a pinky touching it. Christ, our older brother, loves us so very much, and he will be there at the judgment day cheering for us and standing next to us when we go to be judged. I am so very glad that He did walk that mile with a cross on His back all alone so that I will never have to.I am so very grateful for the scriptures and all of the testimonies of Christ that are in them so that I can have more witnesses that he does live and He does love us. I am so very grateful for His sacrifice so that I can live with my Heavenly Father and Mother again.  
I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!

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