I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

So Divine!

I am a pinner. I am guilty. Usually I just look so I can feel creative and then I never actually make or do any of the things I pin. This one was too good to pass up. So when I found it, I got up and made it. Luckily, I had all of the ingredients. These are called cinnamon roll pancakes! Do not underestimate them! 


1 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1 Tablespoon canola oil
1 large egg, lightly beaten

1/2 cup butter, melted
3/4 cup brown sugar, packed
1 Tablespoon ground cinnamon

4 Tablespoons butter
2 ounces cream cheese
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Prepare pancake batter: In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and salt. Whisk in milk, oil and egg, just until batter is moistened (a few small lumps are fine).
2. In a medium bowl, mix butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Scoop the filling into a small zip baggie and set aside. You don't want this to remain super-liquidy. It's best if it becomes a consistency similar to toothpaste.
3. In a medium, microwave-safe bowl- heat butter and cream cheese until melted. Whisk together until smooth; whisk in powdered sugar and vanilla extract; set aside.
4. Heat large skillet over medium-low heat. Spray with nonstick spray. Scoop about 3/4 cup batter onto the skillet. Snip the corner of your baggie of filling and squeeze a spiral of the filling onto the top of the pancake. When bubbles begin to appear on the surface, flip carefully with a thin spatula, and cook until browned on the underside, 1 to 2 minutes more. Transfer to a baking sheet or platter and keep in a warm oven until ready to serve.
5. When ready to serve, spoon warmed glaze onto the top of each pancake.


*Keep the heat low or your pancakes might cook up too quickly. Don't flip them until you see those bubbles starting to pop on top. Flip them with a wide spatula so you can grasp the whole thing without batter and filling dripping all over the place!
*It's best if you pour the batter onto your skillet, wait a minute or so and then swirl the cinnamon onto the batter. That'll give it a chance to set a little before you add the swirl.
*If your baggie of filling begins to get too thick, just pop it in the microwave for a few seconds to soften it up again. On that same note, it shouldn't be too runny. The consistency of soft toothpaste is perfect. If it's melty and runny, it will tend to run all over your pancakes. Once you micro it, let it sit on the counter at room temp for a while until it thickens slightly.
These instructions can also be found HERE!

What they don't tell you is that this recipe only makes about 4 pancakes. Also the cinnamon brown sugar swirly stuff is probably enough for 7-8 pancakes. So if you double the recipe you do not have to double the cinnamon mixture. 

Now for the pictures :)

 If you do make these, you will only be able to eat one maybe two. And this is from the girl who LOVES pancakes. Don't get me wrong, they are delicious, but they are like a cinnamon roll and one will do you. Enjoy! I know I did.


The Jackman Family said...

oh my those look DIVINE! Maybe you should come over some time and we can make those for dessert :) Thanks for sharing!

Kyle and Alyssa said...

okay I want those too! Maybe dinner?? YumMMMMMMy! I wonder if my kids would eat them. They don't really like pancakes:)