I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Finishing Off The Semester

So Marie doesn't eat that often at home. While cleaning up the kitchen one day I found this little beauty!

 One of semester goal was to go to the carousel at Porter Park, it was the last week, and we decided that it was time to go. There was an older lady with her 10 year old son and then us three on the carousel. We felt pretty silly, but hey, you gotta live your dreams whether you look silly or not. 

Doesn't Maddi look like she is having so much fun?

 I guess she had a good time, she loved her horse so much she wanted a picture all by herself with her horse.

We have no idea what these are but they looked cool so we had to document them.

Congrats Kacie! She graduated this semester and is going on a mission to Argentina! Kacie, you are a great example to me!

Mads, you are a great example to me too, a spiritual giant  I look up to you so much.

 This was the beginning of the sadness. Crissy was the first to leave. 

One of the things that was left over in our apartment was spray frosting, we made great use of it!

The last night Jess came in and said she had brought a friend home from the testing center. This is what she had found on her way home. Marie was freaked out to touch it.

My Family Loves Me!

This is what I walked into when I entered my room!

I am glad to be home, I realized how much my family does love me! I am glad that I get to be with them for all eternity!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

This explains it all

You may not miss me but, Mads, I sure will miss you!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


   It is the last Saturday that I will be in Rexburg for a while. I don't know why but I am a little sad today. Maybe because I will be leaving some great friends, maybe because I don't know where I am going to be in 3 weeks from now. Maybe because I don't have a secure job yet. Maybe because I am supposed to be doing homework. Maybe because I have to do clean checks soon. Or maybe because I just don't want to leave. I don't know. Hopefully everything will work out...

Monday, July 11, 2011

I am happy today because...

  • I went to sleep before midnight last night
  • I got a perfect score on my chem quiz
  • Everyday with my roommates is a great one 
  • I am currently listening to Taylor swift 
  • My toenails are bright pink 
  • I am going to be at FHE in 30 minutes, and FHE is always good 
  • I am going to go to the temple this week 
  • Maddi brought me back a Fresca 
  • I am staring my Funds for Africa fund when I start to make money 
  • There is less than 2 full weeks of school left (bitter sweet)
  • I get to see my CA family in 13 days  (I love my grandma!)
  • Tomorrow is devotional 
  • 42 days till I am in the Bahamas!
  • I know my family loves me 
  • I know that everything will workout if act in faith 
Don't tell yourself I will be happy when blank happens. Happiness is a choice and I choose it now! 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Last Days

     There are only 8 official days of school left then 2 days for finals. I am excited for this semester to be over but yet I am sad. I have made great friendships, and have strengthened previous ones. I am so glad for the opportunity that I have had to be roommates with the ones I have now. Each semester gets better and better. Maybe because I have learned a lot of patience and that makes the relationships better.
     I am also way nervous for moving to AZ. Not the actually moving part, or finding friends part, but the job part. I do not like the possibility of not finding a job, or a crummy job in which I have to settle. I want to make some money this break. I know I will not be blessed with as great of a job as I was last fall, but I DO NOT want to be flipping burgers! I know that if I have faith though, everything will work out. The Lord knows the whole plan, and I only know for sure what has already happened.. I'll continue to walk in faith and I know everything will work out how it is supposed to.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Independance Day weekend!

Fri: everyone in the apartment left except for Maddi and I. Mads made delicious orange sugar cookies with orange cream cheese frosting.They were to DIE for!

Sat: Went to Rigby lake with Kacie and got a wee bit sunburned.Then had a nice trip to WalMart for some aloe, the guy looked at me strange when he saw my red face and the only thing I was buying was aloe, but when you need it you need it right?

Sunday: Went to church, took a nice long nap (2.5 hours), but I was only planning on a 17 minute nap. Made some delicious chocolate chip cookies! They were so soft and delicious! (Recipe at Allrecipies.com, search chocolate chip cookies, then sort by rating, first one on the list!)

Then my friend Christine invited me and Maddi over for dinner with some of her friends, and had enchiladas! we then proceeded to watch The White Lion on Netflix. A documentary on Natatzi, a white lion in Africa. Oh man I cannot tell you how jealous I am of  Maddi's brother who is currently in Mozambique! But, thou shalt not covet!

The 4th!: Walked in the rexburg parade next to the Ying Yang float, which had a dragon and some ribbon dancers. The float had won Mayors Choice. when I told the old chineese man that he had won, he did a little dance, I took a picture of him in front of the float with all the dragon dancers, and then he told us that next year Maddi and I should be in his float and he will get us costumes!
After the parade, we went to Panda Express and joined the ward at their usual spot to watch fire works.

Mads and I only stayed for a little then we went to go see Brad and Janae who had come up from Utah. First we made a stop at one of my favorite place in Idaho... Reed's Dairy!

Then we got to see little Levi and Jared! Bethany (Levi's cousin) is a photographer in the making, and told us all the spots that she wanted to have us take pictures. Here some of them are.

And I personally think this is the best one of Levi!

Here is Maddi and I looking awkward in the field of barley...

It was so cute to see the little kids playing in it, only their little heads popped out.

And last but not least the fireworks in Idaho Falls

Also, brad gave us this great prank idea! Poppers+toilet seat+gullible person= great laughter! Marie was the first to go to the bathroom. She came running out yelling, JERICA! Then Jessica. She came out and said, "I thought I had farted, or I broke the seat!" The residue...

How to: Place poppers under the pegs of the toilet seat, and wait. It will give your victim the bang that they need in their day!