I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Finishing Off The Semester

So Marie doesn't eat that often at home. While cleaning up the kitchen one day I found this little beauty!

 One of semester goal was to go to the carousel at Porter Park, it was the last week, and we decided that it was time to go. There was an older lady with her 10 year old son and then us three on the carousel. We felt pretty silly, but hey, you gotta live your dreams whether you look silly or not. 

Doesn't Maddi look like she is having so much fun?

 I guess she had a good time, she loved her horse so much she wanted a picture all by herself with her horse.

We have no idea what these are but they looked cool so we had to document them.

Congrats Kacie! She graduated this semester and is going on a mission to Argentina! Kacie, you are a great example to me!

Mads, you are a great example to me too, a spiritual giant  I look up to you so much.

 This was the beginning of the sadness. Crissy was the first to leave. 

One of the things that was left over in our apartment was spray frosting, we made great use of it!

The last night Jess came in and said she had brought a friend home from the testing center. This is what she had found on her way home. Marie was freaked out to touch it.

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