I may not be perfect, but Christ thinks I am to die for!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Last Days

     There are only 8 official days of school left then 2 days for finals. I am excited for this semester to be over but yet I am sad. I have made great friendships, and have strengthened previous ones. I am so glad for the opportunity that I have had to be roommates with the ones I have now. Each semester gets better and better. Maybe because I have learned a lot of patience and that makes the relationships better.
     I am also way nervous for moving to AZ. Not the actually moving part, or finding friends part, but the job part. I do not like the possibility of not finding a job, or a crummy job in which I have to settle. I want to make some money this break. I know I will not be blessed with as great of a job as I was last fall, but I DO NOT want to be flipping burgers! I know that if I have faith though, everything will work out. The Lord knows the whole plan, and I only know for sure what has already happened.. I'll continue to walk in faith and I know everything will work out how it is supposed to.  

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